Here is a list of useful links for pupils, parents and carers.
Links for parents
- Childcare Choices
- Durham County Council home page
- Ofsted
- DCC School Admissions Information
- Sure Start County Durham
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
- Durham County Council Local Offer
- SEND Pathfinder
- Achievement for All
- ( Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions
Links for Pupils
e-Safety Links
Parent Information is collaboration between CEOP and Parent Zone and provides information to parents and carers about their children’s wellbeing and resilience, internet safety and a wide range of other topic matters like sex, relationship and body image.
Hungry Little Minds
Many little things light up hungry little minds. Kids take everything in, and even the smallest things you do with them can make a big difference. They love it when you chat, play and read with them, even when they’re too young to understand everything. Whatever the time and wherever you are, you can turn almost anything into a game. And every little thing you do together will help set them up nicely for the day they start school. Start by trying some of these simple, fun activities.
Durham Music Services
Durham Music Services aim to inspire young people in our communities to enjoy music throughout their lives. They provide a wide range of high quality musical educational opportunities aiming for the highest standards. Visit the Durham Music Services website for further information.
The Durham Learning Gateway (DLG)
The Durham Learning Gateway (DLG) is Durham County Council’s learning platform. It provides pupils, staff, parents and governors with communication, collaboration and e-Learning facilities including email, discussion forums and access to selected data from the school’s management information system.
The Durham Learning Gateway (DLG) is a secure site. Please contact the school to request a login and password.
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