Playing and Exploring
– Engagement. Some examples of this can be children learning to make independent choices, responding to new experiences or planning how they will explore new experiences. We develop these in Nursery by creating a well-organised environment so that children can help themselves to resources. We also allow children to find their own ways to solve problems, but will also offer tips such as “Why don’t you try and put this puzzle piece in first?” We join in with children’s play and investigations without taking over.
Active Learning
– Motivation. Some examples of this can be children beginning to correct their own mistakes and to keep on trying when things get difficult. We encourage children to participate in routines which help them feel safe and secure. In Nursery we provide lots of high-quality, open-ended resources for children to play freely indoors and outdoors. We encourage children to learn through trial and error and that it is ok to make mistakes.
Creating and Thinking critically
– Thinking. Some examples of this can be children coming up with their own ideas, being able to solve real problems and managing to control their attention more and ignore distractions. In Nursery we allow time for children to become deeply involved in their play, we help children to come up with their own ideas and be able to share them with others and we start to help children answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions.
The curriculum is planned in a very practical way and is based around topics that are of interest and are relevant and meaningful to the children. Adult and child directed activities allow children to develop these skills in a safe and investigative way.