Our nursery currently has pupils between ages 2 and 5 years old. At this age we do not send or expect your child to complete any homework. At nursery we do lots of learning through play with a specific focus of developing children’s communication and language skills. When your child is not at nursery, enjoy your time with them! Talk to them about what they have been up to, what they like to do and plan fun things to do together.
If your child is unable to attend nursery and it has been agreed that home learning will be provided (e.g. in the event of a school closure, long term sickness) daily activities will be sent via Tapestry. If you do not have a Tapestry account yet please call the school office and we will set this up for you.
Here are some additional ideas for learning at home.
Hungry Little Minds
Many little things light up hungry little minds. Kids take everything in, and even the smallest things you do with them can make a big difference. They love it when you chat, play and read with them, even when they’re too young to understand everything. Whatever the time and wherever you are, you can turn almost anything into a game. And every little thing you do together will help set them up nicely for the day they start school. Start by trying some of these simple, fun activities.
Fun Activities
We know that you will have already been very busy with lots of activities and these ideas are for the times when you need a little extra inspiration!
You could…
- Bake together – your child could help with measuring and mixing the ingredients
- Junk model – you could make some fantastic creations using your recycling
- Build dens – a den is the perfect place for snuggling up and reading together
- Put on a show – your child could dance or sing their favourite songs
- Draw or paint pictures – your child could use their picture as inspiration for a made up story
- Set up a shop – your child will love being a shopkeeper
- Have a pyjama day – all films are better in your pj’s!
- Have a tea party – teddies love tea and biscuits
- Exercise together – following instructions will help your child’s listening skills too
- Go in the garden – can you see any signs of Spring?
- Go on a bug hunt – if you can’t find any maybe you could make a bug hotel
- Listen to stories – YouTube has some fantastic storytellers if you fancy something new
- Act out a story – your child will love being their favourite characters
- Read, read, read – there’s no such thing as too much reading
- Make a mud kitchen – very messy but nothing beats a mud pie
- Water paint outside – you only need old brushes and water….no mess!
- Try yoga – we’ve already tried Frozen yoga at nursery
- Play throw and catch – how many times can your child catch the ball without dropping it?
- Make playdough – try our recipes
- Have a dough disco – now you’ve got the dough all you need is the disco, view the video
- Play a board game – lots of learning such as counting the spots on the dice & taking turns
- Plant a seed – your child will love taking care of their seed and watching it grow
- Go on a shape hunt – can your child find circles, squares, rectangles and triangles in your house?
- Count – you can count anything and everything!
- Get organised – your child could help you match up pairs of socks, sort their toys by height or colour…
- Play on your tablet – Topmarks has some fantastic counting games
- Make music – use pots and pans or for a quieter option you could make a rice shaker
- Sing – here are some of our favourites
Your child could also …
- Practise putting on their own coat and trying to fasten it
- Practise putting on their shoes
- Recognise their name
- Write their name
These are just a few suggestions, please do not feel that you have to do all of the activity ideas!
Keep Safe Online
Children are growing up in a world with a bigger range of online activities than ever before and it is sometimes very hard for both children and adults to know how to stay safe.
- ThinkUKnow (keeping your under 5 safe online)
- View our Online Safety page on our website for useful links and information
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