At Tudhoe Moor Nursery School, we strive to maintain excellent relationships with all of our parents and carers.
We offer lots of opportunities for you to come into Nursery to see how your child is learning. Each half term you are invited for a ‘Stay and Play’ day, usually themed around an area we are learning about. You will be able to see your child in action and join in their play as well as catch up with your child’s key person.
At Christmas and Easter we also hold performances for the families of our older children, and lots of fun and games for our younger pupils. Our Nativity is always well attended and offers you the chance to see your child re-enact the Christmas story (and of course all dressed up!)
We also use Tapestry – an app where we can send photographs and videos straight to your phone so you can see what your child gets up to at Nursery. You can also post your own observations from home so you can share what wonderful things you do at weekends.
You will also have the opportunity to attend a termly parent consultation to discuss your child’s progress. At the end of your child’s time with us you will receive a written report which you can keep at a reminder of their time here.
We pride ourselves on being very approachable and are always on hand to answer any questions you may have. Your child’s key person is your first contact, but Erin Millar (Office Manager) is best for anything financial related. Julia Hymers (Head Teacher) and Amanda Bond (Deputy Head Teacher) are available if you need further support.