By the end of leaving our two-year-old room, we hope that:
Communication and Language
- Children understand more complex sentences e.g. put your toys away and we will read a book.
- They understand simple questions.
- Children can say short phrases.
- They ask for their favourite book to be re-read and listen eagerly.
- They talk about ownership e.g. my teddy, your book.
- They know their name and respond appropriately.
- Children understand a simple explanation.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Children actively draw others in social interaction.
- They respond positively to a variety of familiar adults.
- Children talk to another child to engage them in their play.
- Children follow simple rules of the nursery and begin to show ‘effortful control’ (can resist a strong impulse).
- They help an adult to complete a simple job, e.g. puts toys back in a basket.
- They show concern for others who are upset and may offer comfort.
Physical Development
- Children indicate the need for the toilet by their behaviour (holds themselves or ‘dances’).
- They climb happily but may still need adult help to do so safely.
- Children can put on their own hat, unzip their coat and take it off when undone.
- Children run and avoid obstacles.
- They turn pages in a book one at a time and show control in holding and using tools.
- Children pull up their own trousers.
- Children can draw lines and circles and may tell you what their picture is.
- They have a favourite nursery rhyme which they sing correctly.
- They can recognise some famous logos.
- Children will say random number names in their play.
- They can say some number names in order.
- They can use and understand the prepositions ‘on’ and ‘in’.
- Children can complete an inset puzzle independently.
Understanding the World
- Children can imitate adults in their play with some accuracy eg making a cup of tea.
- They can talk in more detail about animals and living things.
- They can put resources away independently.
Expressive Arts and Design
- Children can sing or make noises at the same time as moving to music or instruments.
- Children enjoy mixing different colours and experiment.
By the end of leaving our three-year-old room, we hope that:
Communication and Language
- Children can hold a conversation with an adult or child where appropriate and debate when they disagree with another child or adult.
- They can answer simple ‘why’ questions.
- Children use talk to design their play e.g. “Let’s go to space, you get the rocket and I’ll get my space helmet”.
- Children can listen to a story without pictures or props and are able to retell a familiar story.
- Children learn new topic-related vocabulary e.g. cocoon.
- Children know and can sing around 10 songs.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Children show resilience to complete personal challenges
- They show increasing independence in meeting their self-care needs.
- They celebrate their successes appropriately and are proud of their friend’s achievements.
- Children can focus in a large group e.g. assembly, and can wait their turn when adults are talking to others.
- Children can focus on an activity of their choice for 10 minutes.
- They will ask an adult to access a resource to extend their play.
- Children enjoy ‘doing a job’ with another child and can take turns and share independently.
- They interact frequently with other children and are able to suggest ways to play.
- Children are able to solve conflict with minimal adult support.
Physical Development
- Children sit comfortably on a chair.
- They can bounce and catch a large ball and can use a scooter.
- Children can work in a team to complete a physical challenge.
- They can follow a four-step sequence of movements e.g. clap, jump, clap, turn around.
- Children can lead others to follow their movements.
- Children can use scissors to cut out a shape.
- They hold pens and pencils using the tripod grip.
- Children can talk about a book’s characters and describe them.
- They can also describe the beginning and end of a story when asked.
- Children can understand the humour or deeper level in a story e.g. In ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’, they understand that the house did not grow.
- Children to recognise words that start with the same letter/sound.
- They orally blend a CVC word with props to support.
- Children may know some letter sounds.
- Children write their name and attempt to write some other letters, they may not be formed accurately.
- Children separate objects into different groups recognising that the total is the same (conservation of number).
- They are beginning to know that numbers are made up of smaller numbers.
- Children ascribe mathematical meaning to marks in their play.
- They match numbers to quantities to 5 and beyond.
- Children confidently use finger numbers.
- They can rote count to 10 and beyond.
- Children subitise to 5 in regular arrangements.
- They are able to count using one to one correspondence to beyond 5.
- Children are able to solve real world problems using their mathematical knowledge.
- Children notice and can correct and error in a repeating pattern.
- They use positional language when appropriate in play and through stories.
- Children compare objects by their size, length, weight and capacity using appropriate mathematical language.
- They use simple language of time with some accuracy, e.g. morning, afternoon, later, tomorrow.
Understanding the World
- Children know that they were once a baby and will grow older with time.
- They can talk about when they were a baby and compare it now and when they will be older.
- They talk about what they would like to be when they grow up.
- Children understand that people have different jobs and why.
- Children can talk about some simple differences between places/countries.
- Children take part in a celebration from a different faith, showing curiosity and asking questions.
- Children show an interest in growth, they understand the life cycle of a plant and some animals (e.g. chick) and know what they need to grow.
- Children are aware of the four seasons and can talk about them.
- Children understand why we should show respect and care for the natural world.
Expressive Arts and Design
- Children can use appropriate resources to make their own creations.
- They mix colours for a purpose.
- Children can draw a person with detailed features.
- They can clap or tap in time to music and can ‘form a band’ with instruments.
- Children can continue a child-led role-play activity.
- They can create a complex story using any resources.